Untitled Document


It’s the morning after my first fashion video and I thought I’d post a few shots of model Echo Nittolitto in character during the filming of ‘Dark ECHO’.

Fortunately we’ve been playing hosts to Echo these last few days whilst she’s been staying with us in London. I thought she’d be great for a twisted fashion concept that came to mind and so I set about creating a story for her.

Now that the shoot is over, the real work of post production lies ahead… and a much longer post with lots of behind-the-scenes photographs and of course the video itself.

Watch this space.

Team Credits

Photographer: Mark Esper
Model: Echo Nittolitto
Camera Operator: Kieron Jansch
Sound Design / Lighting: Dylan Bell
MUA / Hair: Lesley Vye
Fashion Designers: Battenberg-Cartwright
Location: Tabard Theatre, London